Matthias Singer-Fischer
Winemaker at heart. The only thing that keeps him away from his vineyard is his mission to build the world’s most exciting phygital sales tool. Matthias is also in charge of Sales & Marketing, looks after our investors and grows LIVIDs fantastic business network (not just grapes).

Likes being in the ‘engine room’. Cares about the people, the processes and the cash. Enjoys seeing things mesh. Has a soft spot for Spain and Latin America. Loves good food and drink. Is available as a sparring partner for all issues.

Has a passion for challenge and innovation and works towards transforming the world into a better and smarter place by use of technology. He is a strategic thinker, with a strong AI & software development background and a passion for developing people & businesses. Brad is in charge of LIVIDs product development, architecture and the company’s technical team.

Is an IT professional with extensive experience in designing innovative, robust, user-focused solutions driving breakthrough efficiency and bottom-line results. With over 15 years experience in online video, passionate about scalability, new technologies and agile workflows, he’s put together, managed and led many teams of software developers on multiple types of projects.

Experiments are key! 3D artist and creative head, who loves diving head-first into whatever may be ahead – be they brick walls or water, he could tell because he tried. From lecturing at university to proofreading or composing prose himself, he also enjoys versatile music, learning languages and business processes. Steven is responsible for business development & innovation and supports LIVID to be the phygital selling platform with bubbly ideas.

Is passionate about the Japanese language and culture. She also likes mobile development and working with interdisciplinary teams to build new products that solve real life challenges.

Is fascinated by foreign languages and cultures, especially the Romance ones. She speaks several languages and enjoys communicating in an international environment. Oana is very organized and structured – traits that help her in her job as Project Manager. She knows her team very well and is skilled in interacting with customers due to her many years of sales experience.
We are always looking for great people to join our team. Just tell us in a short selfie video who you are, why you want to work for us, and what’s important to you. You can upload it here.